
2 Kids, 8 Suitcases + 4 Backpacks {Part I}

We made it!

The Browns are alive and well in Doha, Qatar.

Jet-lag is kicking our butts as we adapt to the time change and lifestyle.

Before I begin fantasizing about how amazing it all is, I’d like to get right down to the nitty gritty honest stuff.

I’ve had a lot of questions. The main one being WHY?

Why on earth would we pack up our kids and take off to a different country?

Theres a few reasons. I will list them and explain.

  1. Debt.
  2. Culture
  3. Growth

There you have it. The number one reason why we would do this is the big bad ugly D word. I married into student loans PLUS we borrowed money from my parents so that Andrew could complete his teaching degree. We were lucky enough to consolidate the student loans into a lesser chunk but we felt like our heads were always below water trying to catch up. 

We need to lift the debt from our lives in order to move forward. It feels shameful and to be honest, down right embarrassing to admit but I’m really trying to be transparent here.

It’s really important for us to introduce diversity and culture into the kids lives. They were both born in Kelowna, BC which is predominantly caucasian and wealthy. They’ve already seen people praying and we’ve heard the Athaan 5x daily {Call to prayer, thank you Sara for translating!} The apartment we have been placed at is located in a more moderate area of town. We are getting a more localized experience rather than living in the downtown core where it’s more common for expats to live.

Growth only comes from change and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Nothing forces you to evolve more than travelling and experiencing new things in unknown territory. I’ve been digging deeper on a Spiritual level lately and travel gives me a connection to my souls root. I can’t quite explain it, but it just feels like home to me. 

So now that I’ve explained more about why we are embarking on this journey, I’ll save the rest for another post.

To be continued…

Assalam Aleykum= Peace be upon you, xo Kerry

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